Wednesday, June 19, 2013


My name is Arina. I am a searcher.  Searcher for Love, Life, and Dreams. I have no way to describe myself. My life right now, just graduated High School. I have a perfect boyfriend for over a year that I am deeply in love with. A loving family. I have dreams of becoming someone that will please my hardworking parents and me. Well I really just want to discover myself while having serenity. I know I am young and I have a lot to endure, but that doesn’t mean that I have to spurge on what my future is going to be like. I have always lived my life thinking what on what my future is going to be like, my mind is "always moving fast. I have never lived "Day by Day". Sometimes I think what would I do if I was living someone eles's life". Always thinking. Always ready to jump to the next step. That is our generations identity, the millennia’s, the fastest growing generation this nation has produced. I have a passion for medicine and fashion, makeup, and living. What I want to share on this site is to show what I have to offer and to express myself as a person, and my journey, and my life. I want to be succesful, become the person that I want to be through my experiences. Just waiting. I hope; whoever is reading this, finds inspiration in the future to come.   

for more requests on vids and tutorials and much more!

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