Friday, June 21, 2013


So this look is what I do almost everyday. I use both drugstore and high end products. Its great for all skin shades. The brown eyeshadow gives a suttle hue of color and  adds depth to your crease. 
If you want to see a video of how I created this amazing look for summer , please like/comment below :)
Follow me in Instagram Please

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Hi everyone! I love watching makeup / vanity tours on YouTube - they make me want to go through all my makeup products and organize everything. The key is to make it look the best it can in your space and making the most of what you have. ❤❤❤

Anyway, wanted to give you a closer look at the necklace I was wearing today. It was love at first sight with this one! I got it from FOREVER 21 for $10.95 just a couple of days ago, I think it could totally pass for designer. It feels really good (and expensive) too - it has a nice weight to it. You can wear a necklace like this with anything to instantly glam it up and the chunkiness of it gives any outfit a little edge. Happy girl! 



Hola!                                                                                                  June 09, 2013
 I want to talk about a sensative topic. I asked myself this questions over and over again... why do girls where makeup? Most of us would think; just because. But in reality it is improve ourselves and to look more presentable. Ask yourself this. What girl would go out in public looking like they did when they woke up? Answer: none. That's just BS.

Why do I wear makeup? I would say to hide my imperfections on my face( I have ACNE SCARS), make sure that I present myself in the best way possible. I asked my male associates, the same question. They said” I think girls wear makeup, so that they can gain higher self esteem and to look good. You look better without makeup anyway.” I’m pretty sure every single woman has heard this a million times.
I agree that sometimes, a girl looks better without makeup. Other times, a girl looks better with makeup. See, a lot of women struggle with acne, skin problems, discoloration, you name it. So going out with absolutely nothing on their face might make girls uncomfortable, ugly, ect. For example my own mother is one of the most prettiest women I know, and just because of aging she is now developing a skin condition called Vitiligo a discoloration of the skin. And let me get this straight, there are no ugly women. Our own insecurities and society makes us feel that way.
Every girl is beautiful! We all have our own beauty! If every girl looked the same, beauty would be boring, and we wouldn’t be unique the way we are now.
So to all those guys who complain and start riots and campaigns against us wearing makeup, take a look at some of these photos. Some women are lucky enough to have great skin and look good without makeup. But others have things they want to cover-up. We are women after all; we all have hormones different from guys that make our skin look the ways it does.

Especially if it just to even out your skin, enhance your features. So if you are a guy and your momma raised you well, make sure to let women know that they are beautiful, just the way they are  :)



My name is Arina. I am a searcher.  Searcher for Love, Life, and Dreams. I have no way to describe myself. My life right now, just graduated High School. I have a perfect boyfriend for over a year that I am deeply in love with. A loving family. I have dreams of becoming someone that will please my hardworking parents and me. Well I really just want to discover myself while having serenity. I know I am young and I have a lot to endure, but that doesn’t mean that I have to spurge on what my future is going to be like. I have always lived my life thinking what on what my future is going to be like, my mind is "always moving fast. I have never lived "Day by Day". Sometimes I think what would I do if I was living someone eles's life". Always thinking. Always ready to jump to the next step. That is our generations identity, the millennia’s, the fastest growing generation this nation has produced. I have a passion for medicine and fashion, makeup, and living. What I want to share on this site is to show what I have to offer and to express myself as a person, and my journey, and my life. I want to be succesful, become the person that I want to be through my experiences. Just waiting. I hope; whoever is reading this, finds inspiration in the future to come.   

for more requests on vids and tutorials and much more!